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The Association of the Employers of the Internet Industry – Interactive Advertising Bureau Polska - what is it and why is it worth knowing?

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24.05.2020 r.

IAB, Interactive Advertising Bureau Polska, association, Poland, employers, Internet, DIMAQ

The Association of the Employers of the Internet Industry – Interactive Advertising Bureau Polska - what is it and why is it worth knowing?

source: own elaboration

If your company operates in the Internet industry or even advertises its products or services via interactive channels, you have probably come across the IAB Polska Internet Employers' Association (IAB Polska), but if you don’t know much about it (or you want to learn more) we encourage you to read the following text and to visit the website.

IAB in the world

Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) is an organization of interactive market entities founded in the United States in 1996, and since 2001 operating under the changed name of Interactive Advertising Bureau. Present today in dozens of countries around the world, the IAB group is already involved not only in promoting the Internet and related issues, but also in mobile techniques and alternative communication channels.

Although the local branches of the IAB group are fully independent and can make decisions regarding the regulation of the markets they represent, they remain in close contact with the main branch in the USA, the association IAB Europe (associating European IAB branches), and others around the world. Thanks to this, it is possible to create joint research projects and constant exchange of know-how, which helps stimulate the development of industries that are the main interest of the organization.

In 2000, the Polish branch of this organization began operating and the name The Association of the Employers of the Internet Industry – Interactive Advertising Bureau Polska is valid from 2007. It is an independent organization created by entrepreneurs from the internet industry and representing their interests. Currently, IAB Polska is the fourth largest IAB division in the world, and in 2012 it received the MIXX Awards Europe for the best IAB in Europe.

What does IAB do? What are his goals?

The most important goal of IAB Polska is broadly understood education in the use of the Internet and promoting it as an effective solution for business and marketing communication. As we read on the website:

“IAB's mission is to support the activities of participants in the interactive communication market and to popularize the internet as an effective medium through promotional, research, educational and legal protection activities.”

Therefore, the goals set by this organization can be divided into 4 categories - promotional, research, educational and protective:

  • promotional - IAB wants to constantly promote the development of the Internet and interactive market as independent media, as well as show them as necessary marketing communication channels. In addition, it aims to present the latest global publications on methods of effective use of the internet and research-supported unification of the message about new media and their efficiency. It also constantly promotes effective e-marketing solutions.

  • educational - the purpose of the Association of Internet Industry Employers IAB Polska is also to inform about the advertising potential of the Internet, broadly understood market education in the use of the opportunities it creates and to provide knowledge about legislation related to these issues. IAB is not limited to just publications, it also organizes local meetings, nationwide educational campaigns, industry conferences (including IAB Forum, IAB HowTo), competitions (MIXX Awards), workshops and training (DIMAQ Academy).

  • research - in this area IAB is trying to create and present new quality standards. The organization constantly conducts research, prepares guides, casebooks and reports (including the Strategic Report and AdEx, the results of which are the basis for analyzing advertising expenditure) - in each of these projects maintaining the highest possible level of factual content. One of the flagship projects of IAB Polska is DIMAQ - a program certifying knowledge in the field of e-marketing and establishing a standard of competence in this field.

  • protective - the Organization's purpose is also to represent the interests of entrepreneurs from the interactive advertising, e-commerce and online marketing industries towards legislators and regulators, such as: the Ministry of Digitization (MC), the Ministry of Economy (Ministry of Economy), the Office for Personal Data Protection (UODO), the Office Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK), the National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT), etc. Thanks to its extensive competence, the Union can influence the shape of regulations governing the functioning of the interactive media market.

IAB Polska also appoints working groups whose task is to develop the best market standards, good practices and codes, as well as educational materials. The Association is also the organizer and body supervising the actions of industry-relevant activities, such as „Oglądaj Legalne”, „Reklamuj Świadomie. Inicjatywa na rzecz uczciwej reklamy”, „Komentuj. Nie obrażaj”, „Bezpieczne interneciaki” and many more.

We should not forget about many tasks that the Organization performs for companies associated in the IAB group.

Members of IAB Polska

The Association of the Employers of the Internet Industry – Interactive Advertising Bureau Polska already has almost 240 members, among them we can find: global companies such as Facebook, Google or Philips; the largest Polish portals such as Filmweb, Allegro and Groupon; media groups, including the RMF group, TVN, TVP, Wirtualna Polska, Cyfrowy Polsat and Interia; advertising agencies and media houses such as the globally active groupm, Wavemaker and Mediacom, advertising networks (all4affiliate, sales & more, Adtraction etc.) and technology providers (GetResponse, Freshmail, Sare etc.).

According to IAB Polska - "By joining us you actively contribute to and shape the development of the internet industry in Poland", but there are many other benefits of membership, such as:

  • building a professional image of the company and its credibility in business contacts

  • recommending experts from member companies as specialists in a given field, among universities and in relations with media

  • the opportunity to establish business relationships with representatives of other member companies

  • support in the area of Public Affairs and legal issues

  • priority and discounts in obtaining the DIMAQ certificate

  • the possibility of free co-creation of IAB Polska reports

  • access to knowledge resources and research results, including the Executive Summary of the Adex survey

  • participation in working groups, and thus in activities aimed at developing the interactive market in Poland

  • the opportunity to present their employees as speakers in the largest industry conferences: Forum IAB, MIXX Awards & Conference and IAB HowTo

  • discounts on tickets and sponsorship for all events organized by IAB Polska.

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